Respect is what counts

I should have known in the first place. Pigeon fanciers are selfish. Everyone for him self and God for all of them. As long as they can score themselves. And all the rest around them doesn’t interest shit.


This way you cannot race pigeons and think it will attract other people to race pigeons as well. They will pick it up from a distance: pigeon fanciers don’t respect each other at all. This is my conclusion after having received just 5 emails from the whole wide world after the knowledge theft of our NPO with regard to the Release Manual.


Why pigeon fanciers don’t respect each other is for me a total mystery. Or it should be personal. But here it is the very same things that matters. No problem for me to understand when someone has better results. But again it is a matter of respect. But when somebody puts 10 years of time and energy in pigeon welfare that is to profit everyone and there is almost nobody to realize the value of it, then somewhere things end. I have decided to say goodbye to the research I have done for the sport. Result is that I will not write any article anymore as well. The knowledge theft has left me with such an emptiness that I don’t consider myself capable of putting a good article together anymore. And I don’t have any interest anymore as well to criticize or to lower myself to articles of non importance just to have my name mentioned. In the end people are not interested anymore in what one has to say.


In my daily work I find myself surrounded by scientists that respect each other. For this you do not need to wear a tie or a white coat with a name tag. My professor is called Jan. That’s what the sign reads on his door. Because of that some people have difficulty locating him. So we act normal. But in pigeon sport it is the other way around. Only those are respected that wear ties and sign articles with Dr or Prof. In Holland we have a committee with only these people aboard. So they should know the other side of midnight. And one should expect understanding of the problem. But scientists can see and at the same it seems as if they were blind. Therefore if you are not able to understand the matter where it is all about, then it is better to keep quiet. Show respect. Or better have things explained.


Understanding is important. When you are writing a report it doesn’t end by that. Rules have to be put together. Teaching has to be done. How can you do this if there is not full understanding? With so many things it’s all about seeing, comparing and understanding. Not everyone sees what the person next to him sees. And understands what the person next to him does. However if there is respect the possibility to learn is normally offered to the other. Then you have respect coming from both sides. In life this is the basis to build on further. And to extend.


In pigeon sport the passing on of knowledge is essential for it’s future. It is sad to understand that knowledge is only passed on at certain levels. Keeping things quiet has no attraction for others. No it will even take care that more will be leaving the sport. The NPO has a discussion site. It doesn’t take long to notice that the people capable of passing on knowledge are just reading messages. I think they should be contributing. But I dare to bet that they were burnt down to the ground if they were. It has happened before and the NPO closed the site down. All what matters is respect.


All right that’s the way it is. Finally we will have release and transportation rules. Not covering the whole terrain. This means the rules will not fit in the way they should. Is normal if you don’t understand things fully. So people can understand it the wrong way and make mistakes. And will not be pointed out the right way because the governing body doesn’t know how to do this. So what will change in the end? Exactly…


One is trying to play a very difficult piece of music. I think I’ll take a walk. The sun is shining and that doesn’t hurt my ears.